Chiropractic Empowers Gym Enthusiasts!


Yes!  You Could Exercise Again!

Being able to exercise has major benefits in reducing the effects of ageing by maintaining flexibility,reducing osteoporosis and increasing energy levels. Overall, exercise is an essential anti-ageing strategy. For many people not being able to exercise even  makes them feel physically sick.

But what if you are feeling restrictive back pain and limited spinal range of motion with your gym workout you may completely lose all your motivation to exercise at all as “its all too difficult.”

In my 30 plus years of practice I have witnessed vast amounts of patients who have got their gym exercise “mojo” back with an effective comprehensive chiropractic approach.

If you are suffering “gym workout restriction” you definitely need to consider a comprehensive chiropractic examination of the spine and related joints as the mechanics of your spine has a huge affect on your ability to exercise. It is a tragedy to be forced to give up something you enjoy and is so good for you.

If gym exercise is important to you, we are ready to examine you and get proactive!

Call 95371226   Golden Bay Chiropractic Works