Lower back pain and chiropractic

Golden Bay ChiroLower back pain assistance has always been strongly associated with chiropractic.In observation ,in  over 35 years of practice , our unhealthy sedentary lifestyles will only increase incidences of lower back pain
in our modern society especially around the lowest L4, L5 vertebral  region that often sits on a very tilted and  strained tailbone called sacrum .The two hips or ileums attach on the sides of an often  tilted tailbone that often causes chronic  pain at the belt line level of the lower back.

Why do we aggravate our lower back regions?

  • We sit too much in front of computers without lumbar support without stretching
  • we do not exercise enough so less muscle tone and  core strength
  • eat over processed food that increases weight on the lower back
  • we posturally slouch around with laptops ,tablets, smartphones
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